

From the union of @EnergiaSocialAr & @VentusGlobal, a renewable energy social company is born with more than 3000MW installed and presence in 4 countries in the region.



Commercial Solutions

Bring competitiveness to your products. Solutions tailored to your production needs.


Sustainable Agriculture

Add competitiveness to your products. Optimize your resources and reduce your impact on the environment.


We are a renewable energy social enterprise. With 3% of the turnover of our store in @MercadoLibre we create the #NewFuturo impact fund focused on labor inclusion in the new green jobs.


Sustainable Social Housing

Bioclimatic Modular Architecture
Research and Development


The story behind Law #27,424 on Distributed Power Generation


'Change comes from within the system' Muhammad Yunus

A social enterprise is one that has a positive impact on the environment or society and, at the same time, is profitable as a business. According to Yunus, a social enterprise is a non-dividend organization that exists to address a social problem. Investors can recover their investment but not get rich and therefore the profits are reinvested in the organization so as not to divert the company's social mission.

Generate energy by reducing our impact on the environment, creating green jobs and inclusion of the most vulnerable sector of the population. Developing and installing small, medium and large-scale renewable energy, solar and wind microgeneration systems. We want to turn Latam users into user generators of their energy and bring sustainable solutions to the community where they need it most. We intend to grow and innovate by generating ideas, creating, educating human resources and users. Challenging ourselves to generate and develop community patents as a result of collaborative work. Sharing knowledge and creating a new future.

energy with purpose

Gracias a nuestros aliados, clientes y sponsors por ayudarnos a amplificar nuestro impacto.

#SolarAcademy / Green Jobs

Solar Park Sembrando Futuro Balcarce 40 kw / McCain Foods Argentina

30 April 2021

Sell and install our ON-GRID and OFF-GRID photovoltaic solar energy systems. Join the Network of Installers with a purpose of @EnergiaSocial.

how can we help you?